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  I met 20 years ago and started working as a simpleton.  to the industry  to be able to participate with an artistic approach; also, I am happy to be a step towards reaching your dreams with the trainings I give at this point.  I hear.

 S ADEKAR  BE....   Sadekar is like creating little statues. In fact, it is no different from sculpture. You have to be a bit of an artist, a bit of an architect, a bit of a tailor. You should have both technical knowledge and your craftsmanship.  As a result, although the techniques are different, the language you speak is the same.  Your material comes from the earth and underground, and for me, every touch to it is like a meeting with the roots of the tree of life, shining as you touch, as you speak.  greening up.....Maybe this is why I can't give up on mud or mine, and again this  it is because  I prefer to shape the legends, the stories of our past and present. Every mineral from the earth,  In my opinion, it comes to life in the same tree as our stories that make up us, What the tree tells me over and over in every job I do becomes important to me, until I meet someone who understands it and wants to listen to it....                                                                                                   A slihan ERDUR                                 

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