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Mythological, historical and ancient jewellery; It's like establishing a bond with the rapidly passing time... Getting rid of the meaninglessness of owning a little bit and pursuing a philosophy and a story... It reminds us that the real purpose is not to have but to exist...




This special ring, which I designed, inspired by the legendary musical instrument Lyre in Greek mythology, and its details decorated with sapphire stones, were designed for those who prefer the use of extraordinary and meaningful jewelry, with both its elegance and its fascinating story. Would you like to take a look at the story of the fascinating Lyre? The lyre, one of the oldest known musical instruments, was invented by Hermes, the god of wind. Later, there were varieties called Phorminx, Kithara (today's guitar) and Barbitos. Three brothers Hermes, Apollo and Orpheus used the Lyre. Apollo, the god of medicine and music, treated his patients both physically and psychologically by playing the lyre. Thus, they influenced ancient Greek physicians and philosophers such as Socrates and Plato, and laid the foundations of today's music treatment and therapy methods. Apollo's nine daughters also got their share of this situation and took their place in mythology as nymphs (nymphs), each of whom represented a branch of art and inspired gods and people with courage and fine arts. Orpheus, one of the three brothers, completely identifies with Lir. Orpheus played the Lyre so beautifully that nature stopped its own sound and listened to his music, wild animals calmed down, and plants bowed towards him. Orpheus calmed the heroes on an expedition and even kept the waves of the sea calm. The most famous myth of Orpheus is that he was able to go down to hell for his wife, thanks to the Lyre. Another myth is about the death of Orpheus. After Orpheus died, they threw his body and his Lyre into the river, and the Lyre and Orpheus' head went to the sea and from there to the island of Lesbos. People of Lesbos hold a funeral ceremony and grave for the poet. It is claimed that lyre sounds can be heard from this tomb. For this reason, the island of Lesbos is considered the homeland of lyric poetry. After his death, his Lyre was taken to the sky and immortalized by making a constellation.




     Antros ; He is the brother of Eros in Greek mythology, symbolizing mutual love.

   The very passionate state of Eros, which symbolizes lust, hinders happiness and development. Thereupon, her mother gives birth to Aphrodite Anteros. In Greek mythology, Eros can develop only when Anteros is with him, he grows up and becomes happy when he is with him, and when he is away from him, he becomes a child and unhappy again (this is one of the reasons why Eros is described sometimes as a little boy and sometimes as a young boy)

   This mythological belief is the basis of the principle of unity and power of opposition. Heraclitus states this philosophical and very important thesis, which is fundamental in his dialectic. It is this contrast in objects and phenomena that ensure universal development.
Well, didn't Eros ever fall in love?....Eros makes people fall in love with each other with his arrow, but it is said that his arrows never benefit him, takiii.......until he sees Psykh and his beauty blows his mind.



This silver necklace, reflecting the power and nobility of POSEIDON, THE LORD AND ABSOLUTE RULER OF THE SERVANT in Greek mythology, will fascinate you! Poseidon and his three-pronged staff are at the center of the necklace, offering an eye-catching look. Made of high-quality silver, the necklace's scepter, the Trident, symbol of Poseidon, is considered a universal symbol in the sea. With this necklace, you can carry the magic of Greek mythology around your neck and feel the protection of Poseidon. This necklace is a perfect gift option for mythology enthusiasts or anyone who wants to feel special.. MAY HIS FORCE BE WITH YOU 🔱💜



Behind Mount Qaf...the legendary Phoenix reborn from the ashes... It is the symbol of wisdom, patience, not being defeated, struggling and resurrecting by working hard. It is the symbol of a never-ending power in the direction of dreams because it is reborn from the ashes despite death. Today, it is used to express the highest level frequencies, it represents health, happiness and abundance at this frequency level. It does. In the stylized design of the unique phoenix, which carries such strong meanings; While using the double vav and aum symbols, I depicted the paths behind the Qaf Mountain with pearls. Phoenix represents rebirth and power, while pearl stones represent purity and elegance. The necklace, which forms a good combination with silver and gold being a durable and shiny metal, is a perfect choice to gift to yourself or your loved ones with its elegance and elegance.



     Nymph nymphs, known as the daughters of Zeus in Greek mythology, are famous for their beauty and elegance. These fairies live in different areas of nature and make those areas magical. I offer a collection of jewelery that reflects their charming aura. These jewelry, made of gold and silver, bear the names and characteristics of the nymph nymphs. Carry the charm of nature on you with this unique collection... ​   

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